Hospitality in Marepi

Nutrition & Diet

Nutrition for the elderly is one of the most vital factors of healthy ageing. At Marepi, we acknowledge the ever-increasing importance of a balanced diet for seniors, faithfully following the wise proverb of our ancient Greek ancestors that ‘a healthy mind should live in a healthy body.’ We believe, that nutrition then can act as a catalyst for prolonged life, acting as a ‘natural medicine’, insulating the elderly from additional health risks and slowing down their existing conditions.

We are fortunate to be operating in a country where local, organic produce is at easy access and the so-called Mediterranean diet is embedded in our culture and daily habits. Hence, we have crafted a nutritiously rich, balanced diet, specifically tailored to the idiosyncratic needs of our residents.

Nutritional Habits of

At Marepi you will find a large variety of traditional Greek and Mediterranean-inspired cuisine, made according to the ongoing feedback and preferences of our residents for the past decades. Our mission to make you feel at home away from home, is best served by delivering to you the exact same recipes and dietary customs you would be otherwise preparing at your Greek household. At the same time, our weekly dietary menu is prepared and approved by certified nutritionist and dietician, bearing in mind the increasing or decreasing nutritional intakes associated with the elderly. There is flexibility in adjusting each resident’s menu according to their individual conditions or simply preferences. In case our residents need assistance while eating, our friendly nurses are always present to make sure they are safely and adequately fed. Our nursing staff is also there to observe our residents’ reaction to specific meals, monitor their daily eating habits and provide us with feedback on necessary changes we should make to cater for their idiosyncratic needs and health condition. For instance, we offer the option of pureed/soft food for those with difficulty swallowing or simply lighter, easier to digest options for those with sensitivities. We also ensure our residents receive the optimal amount of water intake to keep them hydrated, while we also gladly respond to their requests for extra treats, if it is deemed suitable for their health. For instance, we keep a close-eye on residents with diabetes and/or cholesterol, respecting the strict guidelines we take from our medical teams on how to lessen and not risk aggravating their condition.

Moreover, the socialisation aspect of sharing a meal is a core aspect of life at Marepi. Our residents have the option to eat in their rooms or use our common dining area. We serve three complete meals a day (breakfast, lunch, dinner), complemented by two or more light offerings, snacks, hot drinks and refreshments in between the main meals. We encourage our residents to dine in the common area, so as to benefit from the company and interaction of their elderly peers, while also moving away from their room setting for a change of scene. Our residents families are very much welcome to join in for lunch or dinner, during the designated visiting hours and spend productive time with their beloved ones. We are happy to see families bringing in their homemade meals, sweet treats and snacks to please their elderly, but we strongly discourage you from taking the initiative of feeding them yourself, as special caution should be attested to minimize all sorts of risks associated with non-dietician approved food. Our staff is there to assist you and advice if the food of your choice is aligned with the guidelines we have from our medical and nutritionist teams. Below you will find an overview of commonly served meals at Marepi, including typical Greek dishes, Greek coffee and traditional treats.


As Aristotle used to say: Avoid excesses. Seek the Golden Mean (balance).
(παν μετρον αριστον)


It’s not just about the taste but also the nutritional value of our ingredients. Even more so for the precious health of our elderly.


We are a microcosm of the Greek society, full of the warmth & hospitality of the Greek culture. We cannot but take advantage of the richness of much-loved traditional recipes.


We would not be a true home, unless our food is served fresh and warm, right from the oven!


We value the fresh and organic. Hence, you will find our dietary menu adjusted to what’s most suited to each season, what’s tastier and richer in nutrients.


We value high quality produce, but we also want to support the local economy. We choose Greek whenever possible, always hunting down the unique, Greek countryside delicacies.

Dietician Approved

We never neglect one’s clinical outlook & holistic wellbeing when creating our menu. We would not be able to do this adequately without expert advice!

Personalised for Special Needs

Our residents have unique needs. We are here to detect, monitor and respect them to minimize all health risks and use nutrition as a ‘shield’ of their health.